Whether internal with us, or external,with out partners,all our vacancies are a part of dream career paths.

Teaching with BBi
Are you passionate about languages and cultures? Do you have experience in teaching? Do you love to help people learn new skills? We are always on the lookout for passionate and enthusiastic teachers & trainers.
See our vacancies for teachers, trainers and consultants around Europe

Vacancies in Healthcare
Ready to live in a country with the worlds’ best educational system, purest nature and happiest people? Our partners are looking for specialist doctors, doctors,nurses and care givers to open positions.
Ready to experience the Northern miracle?

Vacancies in Early Education
Ready to live in a country with the worlds’ best educational system, purest nature and happiest people? Our partners are looking for early education teachers and daycare center workers to open positions.
Ready to experience the Northern miracle?
Lärare i svenska som andraspråk (SW) 100 open positions
--BBi Recruitment (SW)--20.03.2025 12:47:54 -
Targeted Mobility Scheme for you (jobseekers) 20 open positions
Kansakoulunkuja 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland29.11.2022 14:24:31 -
Targeted Mobility Scheme for employers 20 open positions
Kansakoulunkuja 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland03.02.2025 08:56:13 -
Specialist Doctors in General /Family medicine 6 open positions
--Recruitment contact--03.02.2025 08:56:01 -
Specialist doctor in Pathology 4 open positions
03.02.2025 08:55:58 -
Psychiatrist with experience in neuropsychiatry 3 open positions
03.02.2025 08:55:34 -
Specialist doctor in General Adult Psychiatry 3 open positions
03.02.2025 08:55:55 -
Specialist Doctors in Histopathology (Pathological Anatomy / Clinical Pathology) 2 open positions
13.03.2025 14:13:55 -
Specialist Doctor in Histopathology 2 open positions
19.03.2025 16:24:12 -
Specialist doctor in Nephrology - Örebro; SWE
03.02.2025 08:55:56 -
Radiographers, HUS Diagnostic Center - Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
03.02.2025 08:55:32 -
Registered Nurses (RN) for Pre- & Post-operative care, Lapland, Finland
03.02.2025 08:55:49 -
Registered Nurses for Specialist care - OmaHäme, Finland
03.02.2025 08:55:38 -
Trabajar en Finlandia (SPA)
04.04.2024 07:21:51 -
Εγγεγραμμένοι Νοσηλευτές - Ογκολογίας, Μαιευτικής, Ψυχιατρικής & ΜΕΘ
22.04.2024 15:17:52 -
Radiographers- Radiology - Finland
03.02.2025 08:55:31 -
Registered Nurses (RN) for Internal Medicine, In-Patient ward - Lapland, Finland
03.02.2025 08:55:45 -
Doctors of General Medicine (M.D.) to ward services - Western Uusimaa, Finland
03.02.2025 08:54:26 -
Νοσηλευτές/-τριες (RN) - North Savo, Φινλανδία
22.04.2024 15:05:22 -
Radiologist with experience in Mammography
03.02.2025 08:55:35 -
Nurses (RN) - Geriatric Competence Center - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:05 -
Specialist doctors // Sweden
03.02.2025 08:56:09 -
Nurses (RN) - In-patient wards - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:07 -
Nurses (RN) - Out-patient clinics - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:12 -
Registered Nurses in Sweden
03.02.2025 08:55:43 -
Working in Sweden
18.04.2024 09:38:12 -
Specialist Doctors (M.D.) in Ophthalmology
Vaasan keskussairaala, Hietalahdenkatu 2-4, Vaasa, Finland13.03.2025 13:16:37 -
Specialist Doctor in Neuroradiology
17.03.2025 08:18:42 -
Πτυχιούχοι νοσηλευτές με εργασιακή εμπειρία και ενδιαφέρον για εξέλιξη στην Ψυχιατρική Φροντίδα
--Recruitment contact--18.04.2024 18:36:13 -
Medico Especialista en Oftalmología
Vaasan keskussairaala, Hietalahdenkatu 2-4, Vaasa, Finland23.01.2025 11:32:40 -
Doctors // Nordics
03.02.2025 08:54:20 -
Enfermeras / Enfermeros Salud Mental Suecia
03.02.2025 08:54:29 -
Enfermeras/os tituladas/os interesadas/os en atención psiquiátrica
--Recruitment contact--03.02.2025 08:54:35 -
Nurses (RN) - Operations & Anesthesia - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:09 -
Nurses (RN)/ Radiographers - Radiology - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:15 -
Registered Nurses - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:48 -
Specialist Doctors in Paediatric Ophthalmology
13.03.2025 14:09:07 -
Working in Finland
22.04.2024 15:20:20 -
Εργασία στη Φινλανδία
22.04.2024 15:12:38 -
Ειδικός ιατρός στη ψυχιατρική
22.04.2024 15:13:51 -
Especialistas en Psiquiatría Suecia
03.02.2025 08:54:40 -
Enfermeiros licenciados na Finlândia Candidate-se agora!
--Recruitment contact--19.03.2025 11:51:47 -
Assistant Nurses - Lapland, Finland
07.02.2025 09:13:15 -
Νοσηλευτές/-τριες (RN) - Päijät-Häme, Φινλανδία
22.04.2024 15:02:46 -
Specialist doctor in Psychiatry (BUP)
03.02.2025 08:56:03 -
Registered Nurses - Oncology, Midwifery, Psychiatry & ICU
03.02.2025 08:55:40 -
Enfermeras/os (RN) para Savonia del norte, Finlandia
03.02.2025 08:54:34 -
Registered Nurses - North Savo, Finland
03.02.2025 08:55:41 -
Specialist Doctors (M.D.) in Radiology - OmaHäme, Finland
03.02.2025 08:56:10 -
Nurses (RN) - Surgical Wards - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
03.02.2025 08:55:16 -
Enfermeras/os tituladas/os para oportunidades en Suecia
03.02.2025 08:54:39 -
Doctors // Finland
19.03.2025 10:27:12