Nurses (RN)/ Radiographers - Radiology - Päijät-Häme HA, FIN
2 689,23€/ month
0 years of service
Salary quoted gross, i.e. BEFORE taxes and social contributions as a starting salary with no previous years of acceptable service, in accordance with the collective agreement of Municipality Sector workers for Joint Authorities of Health and Wellbeing sector (HYVTES), pay grade TVA1. This salary is paid as a minimum, without shift work, after you have received your Finnish license to practice your profession as a nurse.
Shift work (bank holidays and inconvenient hours) will be paid in accordance to the amount of such hours worked, increasing the monthly salary with approximately 20%, bringing the salary
up to 3 227,08€/ month.
2 769,91€/ month
5 years of service
Salary quoted gross, i.e. BEFORE taxes and social contributions as a starting salary with 5 years of acceptable service, in accordance with the collective agreement of Municipality Sector workers for Joint Authorities of Health and Wellbeing sector (HYVTES), pay grade TVA1. This salary is paid as a minimum, without shift work, after you have received your Finnish license to practice your profession as a nurse.
Shift work (bank holidays and inconvenient hours) will be paid in accordance to the amount of such hours worked, increasing the monthly salary with approximately 20%, bringing the salary
up to 3 323,89€/ month.
2 904,37€/ month
10 years of service
Salary quoted gross, i.e. BEFORE taxes and social contributions as a starting salary with 10 years of acceptable service, in accordance with the collective agreement of Municipality Sector workers for Joint Authorities of Health and Wellbeing sector (HYVTES), pay grade TVA1. This salary is paid as a minimum, without shift work, after you have received your Finnish license to practice your profession as a nurse.
Shift work (bank holidays and inconvenient hours) will be paid in accordance to the amount of such hours worked, increasing the monthly salary with approximately 20%, bringing the salary
up to 3 485,24€/ month.
Image interpretation unit
The image interpretation unit provides services in the central hospital and different locations. The central hospital carries out MRIs, computed tomography (CT) scans, vascular studies and procedures, mammography studies and procedures, native imaging, ultrasound (US) studies and procedures, fluoroscopy studies and procedures, native imaging as well as CT in Acute24 for emergency imaging.
In primary care locations, such as Lahti Central Health Center, Asikkala, Nastola, Orimattila, Heinola, Salpakangas and Jalmari the radiology unit provides native imaging, orthopantomograms, ultrasound and bone density studies in elective and emergency imaging during office hours.
It is noted, that due to differences in radiographer education within EU, a direct recognition of qualifications is considered to be unlikely. You will receive assistance in planning your path from registered radiogpraher in your home country to a registered radiographer in Finland during and after the process of recruitment and country of origin training. The recognition process depends on your previous work experience, the content and length of your education as well as your other degrees, and is therefore always a personal. The recognition process length and content is decided by the Finnish regulative agency, Valvira, based on your completed and submitted application. You will receive personal guidance to your application preparation. During the recognition process, you could receive further education or learning-on-the-job while supported by the Päijät-Häme staff.
Diagnostic research unit
The diagnostic research unit, located in the central hospital, provides a wide range of diagnostic services.The diagnostic research department consist of three different units:
1) Nuclear Medicine Unit carrying out bone, kidney, lung, lymph node and heart muscle blood flow gamma imaging and PET-CT studies, also with radioisotopes. The unit currently employs a radiographer, a nurse and a bioanalyst.
2) Clinical Physiology unit carrying out holter studies, clinical stress tests, spirometry and children's impulse oscillometric respiratory function studies, sleep apnea studies, ultrasound imaging of the heart and carotid arteries, and studies of neurovascular regulation such as tilt-table tolerance tests and 24-hour blood pressure measurements. The unit employs nurses and bioanalysts.
3) Clinical Neurophysiology unit carrying out electroencephalography (EEG), nerve and muscle function studies (ENMG and ENG) and ambulatory polysomnography; research on different disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems and muscles, sleep disorders, navigated magnetic stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain, and rTMS treatment. The unit employs nurses and bioanalysts.
It is noted, that due to differences in radiographer education within EU, a direct recognition of qualifications is considered to be unlikely. You will receive assistance in planning your path from registered radiogpraher in your home country to a registered radiographer in Finland during and after the process of recruitment and country of origin training. The recognition process depends on your previous work experience, the content and length of your education as well as your other degrees, and is therefore always a personal. The recognition process length and content is decided by the Finnish regulative agency, Valvira, based on your completed and submitted application. You will receive personal guidance to your application preparation. During the recognition process, you could receive further education or learning-on-the-job while supported by the Päijät-Häme staff.
Join the team
Just like ski jumpers, nurses work together to achieve a common goal: providing the best possible care for their patients. A team of dedicated professionals who are committed to providing the best possible care are waiting you to join them. Some of the benefits of working as a nurse in Päijät-Häme:
• Competitive salaries and benefits
• Opportunities for professional development
• A supportive and collaborative work environment
• The chance to make a real difference in the lives of your patients
If you're a passionate and skilled nurse looking for a rewarding career, we encourage you to apply today!
What is the offer?
A unique opportunity to start your Nordic career and reimagine your future in Päijät-Häme
A full-time, permanent position with 38 hours 15 minutes per week working time
Prior to licencing
A basic monthly, full-time salary of a carer ( 2040,15 €/month before taxes & social contributions) prior to reaching your licenced status and when working in Finland.
It is noted, that this base salary is expected to be paid during the possible extended recognition process period, covering also possible further adjustment period or studies, as required by the Finnish regulatory authority, Valvira.
After recognition
After recognition of qualifications, a basic monthly salary starting from 2689,83€/ month before taxes & social constibutions (*please, see above).
Additional compensation
for inconvenient working hours (evenings, weekends, nights, holidays & overtime) and vacation time which are paid on top of the basic monthly salary if and when applicable. Part of the holiday bonus is tradable for additional vacation days.
Minimum 28 days per year starting after the first full working year acting as basis for calculations.
Healthcare & insurances
Healthcare, insurances, unemployment & retirement fees and benefits are included
E-pass benefit card
is the key to the employee benefits: discounts and personal monthly amount to use in different services. Yearly value is between 200€ to 400€.
Commuting benefit
Financial support for a company bicycle (1 200€/year, for no more than 3 years in total.)
Family-friendly workplace
A member of the Family-Friendly Workplace program of the Population Foundation of Finland
Sick-child care service
Possibility to use sick child care services
Life-long learning
Possibility for regular coaching and training
Induction period
Induction to your new tasks and responsibilities when you start working
How do we support?
We understand that moving to another country is challenging, so here is how we help free-of-charge
Named mediator
A dedicated contact person who acts as your match-maker and your mediator for the entire process
We check that your qualifications match the requirements
We guide in application of different records and manage the translation process
Help to calculate and understand how much is left of your salary after taxes & social contributions on average
Living costs
Support to understand how much are the average living costs in Päijät-Häme (Living cost in Finland)
Information about living & working in Finland with EURES advisors for planning your relocation process & required paperwork
Mental support
Named mediator to support your progress in the program, and if needed, psychological support for stress & change management
Training program
Intensive language and intercultural training prior to your relocation
All required learning and study materials
Support for your recognition of qualifications process during your training program
Check of documents, stamps & management of the entire translation process, including sworn translations
Home finding & other relocation assistance, such as helping you manage the official registrations, when it's time to move
Spouse support
in job search and language skills prior to arrival to Finland
Schools & daycare
Help to find jobs, schools and daycare for your family members after relocation
Financial support
Help & assistance to apply for any available financial support, uch as the Targeted Mobility Schemes -support
Tips for settling-in after arrival
The expectations
For you with a genuine interest and passion for nursing and a well balanced life
A Barchelors or Masters level degree as a radiographer from an EU/EEA - area educational institution (2005/36/EU) and Registered Radiographer -status
A clean Criminal Record & Record of Good Standing as required by the Finnish Law
Preferrably at least 3 years of previous work experience as registered professional. Further previous experience is beneficial during the recognition process.
An independent & responsible attitude, with good communication & team working skills
Commitment to training
Commitment to a free-of-charge language training program, and to study a minimum 20 hrs per week in order to reach a B1 level of Finnish language at the end of the training. In addition, it is expected that further training after arrival to FInland in regards the recognition process will be required by the Finnish regulatory authority, Valvira, in order to receive a licensed status. Further details and support will be given througout the process.
Commitment to relocation
Commitment to relocating and starting work in Finland after reaching your target in language training
Considered as a plus
fluent English language skills. Intermediate English language skills are required.
Did we answer all your questions? If not, please contact us.
We are multilingual team, so we are able to help you in at least English, Greek & Spanish languages. Alternatively you can contact our matchmakers:
Marika (SPA: +34 654 07 1241)
Alexia (GRE: +30 694 45 68328)
Ready for a jump in your career?
We are looking for nurses who are passionate about teamwork and collaboration. If you're a passionate and skilled nurse looking for a rewarding career in the balance of the Nordics, we encourage you to apply today!

The Swedish EURES Targeted Mobility Schemes project is funded by the European Commission.
#TalentBoost #WorkinFinland #Finlandworks #EURESjobs #EURES